Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016..

Tuesday, March 8th

A couple I know, went on vacation and allowed me to "house sit".  House sitting out here isn't like it might seem back home.  It's more of a generosity by the house "owners" (no one actually owns a house on this island) given to someone they trust and like.  It's actually a huge huge compliment they have given me.  The last time I did this a few months ago, it was more of a necessity because they had a dog, a great dog, but still a dependent that needed cared for while they left for a few days.  They left the fridge stocked with stuff I love.  Avacados, oranges, dark meet chicken, and a few other items I'm not able to purchase because we just recently lost priveledges to the only grocery store on the island. 

It's nice.  Its very spacious, and just behind my kiteboarding buddies place, and just down the alley from the other kiting buddy. 

Here's a video from last weekend.  We made it up to Bigej (pronounced just like Fiji with a B).  The sand bar is mostly gone due to the winds shifting, but it was still great.

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