Saturday, March 26, 2016


What causes a person to "believe" in something?  This started out in my head with the political deal going on with the presidential primaries.  Without watching the news, and mainly having facebook as a gauge on this, how do we come about our opinions so strongly?  There are people, very few I'll admit, that are "friends" with me on facebook that completely love the Drumpf guy for president.  I've come soo close to just "unfriending" them on there because of their love of that guy, and of course my disdain for him.  I like to think its smart, that I've not done it, just to force myself to listen to the opposing views.  An old friend of mine from my twenties, who with her boyfriend at the time that later became her husband and then ex-husband posted a deal on there that said in a picture with the background of an atomic bomb going off...mushroom cloud and all="we made peace with Japan in 1945, its time we make peace with ISIS".  So the post was suggesting that the United States use nuclear weapons to destroy a "terrorist organization".  So many questions.  Like is there actually an  "ISIS"?  I mean wasn't it Al-Queda last year?  What about the Taliban?  Think about it how do you actually know a chair, is actually a "chair".  Of course you know its a chair because everyone your whole life has called that thing you sit in a chair.  Who is to say its not a car?  Of course that's not really a great example because it's just a label we put on an item to "label" it for common communications.  Or is it ?  Someone, or some organization just places a label on a very loosely defined group of people, and declares them the turds of earth.  Think about how easy that is these days.  Its hard to question something when they supposedly have "journalistic integrity" about or maybe they just keep broadcasting day in and day out with the only info you can get.  People will believe what enough other people (basically) tell them to believe.

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