Monday, February 4, 2019

February, 4, 2019...too many commas and too much kiting...

Life. Is. Awesome.

"Never thought I'd be...."  today I add to this never ending list...

Never thought I'd be tied to a bunch of aerodynamically shaped air filled fabric, spinning thru the air an eighth of a mile from a dump of a country that is mistakenly labeled a "third world country".

We went kiteboarding again at the causeway.  I like to refer to it as the "dump" for two reasons, its just north of the Ebeye dump, and it just sounds more ..junkyard dog.  As I'm sure its been explained before, it's the causeway north of the dump, where supposedly the sewer treatment plant on Ebeye spits out.  NO more on that later.

"Third world country" used to mean a country that hasn't taken alliance with either capitalists countries like the good old 'Murka, or socialist countries which included the former Soviet Union, China, etc.  Now "Third world country" refers to countries with high mortality rates, an unstable and inconsistent economy.  Thank you google ...I just learned what I was trying to say in the first place, that the Marshall Islands and specifically the 17,000 folks living on Ebeye shouldn't be considered "third world".  They are some "top of the line" people.  Great natured, friendly, and completely admirable.

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