Friday, November 13, 2015

November..something...ok 13th or so, 2015

Friday, lol the 13th, 2015...

I posted on Facebook "I have NO idea how i got so lucky with this life.....but I'll take it.".  Ok so I'm full of euphoria/endorphins and way too many beers.  Seriously though, I had a guy dress up as Halloween. I mean how great is that....  I get a lot of comments from Ultimate players that I cannot ........well there is all that, I mean people are really nice out here, for the most part.  It is all Americans, except for the Marshallese workforce here mainly during the day.  I hear there is a lot of weenies on island, but haven't really met too many. 

Then there is the sun.  I know that is truly the key to my euphoria out here.  Of course the sun out here couldn't have created the great family I grew up in.  I have a memory of my pre 10 year old life, that involves laughing so hard at something at the end of dinner that I couldn't stop.  It wasn't so much that I couldn't stop, it was that I was having so much fun laughing, that I really didn't want to stop. One of my sister probably got me started doing something stupid, but I couldn't stop... It felt good, of course it did, who doesn't love laughing.  My sisters and parents ( this is how I remember it, it could be wrong, but who cares to correct me), left me in the kitchen.  I was laughing so hard I was crying.  It was basically nothing that I was laughing at.  That was my childhood gift to laugh so hard I cried, ...and couldn't (/could) stop it. 

THAT is how good I feel here...mostly


  1. I don't know if my previous comment went through. Stumbled upon your blog looking through pics of Kwaj. Hopefully I am returning soon after 35 years away! Are you still there? Enjoying the read too much to skip ahead. Need to get out of bed! Loving your adventures and looking forward to my own!

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